[Snazzy Snippets #3] Stepping Back in Time

16:26 Cilla 0 Comments

Snazzy Snippets is  a bi-monthly link-up for writers hosted by Emily of Loony Literate and Alyssa of The Devil Orders Takeout. Every two months, Emily and Alyssa post three prompts which you then share a 500 word of less snippet of your writing in response to each prompt.

For the past two editions of Snazzy Snippets, I've focused on my mermaid WIP. In the last one, I shared some snippets that I thought I would significantly revise and, guess what, I revised them. This WIP has recently undergone some major tweaking in terms of plot and world-building, and I'm currently in the middle of another draft for Camp NaNoWriMo. I'm really excited for it and hopeful I'll actually complete one draft. 

For this post, however, the prompts are more appropriate for my other writing project. Cor and I have been writing together for years on a role-playing website and having a blast doing it. So it seems natural that we take that collaboration (somewhat) offline and write a novel together! Our story goes something like this: a chance meeting between a boy and a girl leads them to uncover skeletons in their families' past and a threat to their futures. Spoiler alert: the boy and the girl aren't going to fall in love. 

The following snippet is from the prologue falls under two of the three prompts Alyssa and Emily provided for this month. Those prompts I've chosen are:

a snippet you wrote more than two years
a snippet featuring a child

Their mother's gaze flicked from one child to the next before a smile sliced the frozen tension on her features. Ken looked at their father, whose gaze was steadfast upon the grand manor beyond the gates. He never looked away, but his hand found his wife's, fingers marked with a long vine of a pink birthmark laced with white ones, and together they led the family straight into the gates. The iron gates swung open for them, as did the oak doors further down the path. The family passed through each set in an unbroken silence until a plump woman with silver curls appeared in the hallway. Ken hadn't even had time to properly inspect the wall tapestries. "Mister and Missus are waiting in the living room," she announced, "with Mister Edward and his family."

The six-year-old boy couldn't help it; he grimaced. He held neither real affection nor dislike for his uncle and aunt, but his cousin was a different story. Celeste had never really forgiven him for (accidentally) fracturing the spine of her picture book back when they were four and three years old, and Ken still held a grudge over her retribution (she'd smacked the book against his head).

I've rewritten this piece in recent days, but the original was written three years ago, so it still counts for the first prompt, right??

As always, I'd love to hear your opinions on the snippet above!
Writers, what are you working on?


Thanks for reading! It makes my day to hear your thoughts and I will respond asap. :)